The Revolution Starts
Now: The Topical Song Show, March 27, 2018 on WCOM-FM 103.5, community
radio for Carrboro and Chapel Hill, NC (
Hosted each Tuesday from 4:00 to 5:00 PM Eastern Time by Art Menius (PO Box
1161; Carrboro, NC 27510).
Underwritten by and Vimala's Curryblossom Cafe.
Jolie Holland with Thor and
Friends / Louisiana 1927 / Hummingbirds & Helicopters, Vol. 1 A Benefit for
South Texas / Cinquefoil Records / 5:02
Cathy Fink, Marcy Marxer, and Sam
Gleaves / If the Poor Don't Matter / Shout and Shine / Community Music / 4:29
Chip Taylor / Fix Your Words / Fix
Your Words / Trainwreck Records / 4:49
Rob McHale / Blair Mountain / Prophets
on the Boulevard / Wooden Door Records / 4:35
Barbara Dane / I Don’t Want Your
Millions Mister / Hot Jazz, Cool Blues & Hard-Hitting Songs / Smithsonian
Folkways / 3:35
Mare Wakefield and Nomad / I Will
Not Be Broken / Time to Fly / Maresie Music/ 3:42
Dom Flemons / John Henry y los
vacqueros / Black Cowboys / Smithsonian Folkways /1:58
Anna & Elizabeth / Farewell to
Erin / The Invisible Comes to Us / Smithsonian Folkways / 6:26
Lefthand Dan / 38 Years in the
Mill / 38 Years in the Mill / self / 3:20
Katy Moffatt / Marina / Where the
Heart Is / Centerfire Music / 4:04
Mary Gauthier / Iraq / Rifles
& Rosary Beads / Thirty Tigers / 4:18
Psoy Korolenko / Misha Tserryst
Hitlers Drytchland (Misha Tears Apart Hitler’s Germany) / Yiddish Glory: The
Lost Songs of World War II / Six Degrees / 3:10